Team Around the Child (TAC)


The Local Authority have been in touch to let us know of an exciting opportunity for parents to be actively involved in shaping the new Local Offer for St Helens. Any parents who wish, are welcome to come along to the Town Hall and join with a promise of tea, coffee and biscuits. 

*Attention all parents and carers!
We need your valuable input to shape the future of the St Helens SEND Local Offer website. Join us for a special event to work together on the development of the new website, making sure it provides the best possible information and support.

St Helens Town Hall

Monday 15th July 2024

10:30 - 12:30

Please confirm attendance by emailing



The summer Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) will be running from Monday 22nd July 2024 to Friday 30th August 2024 for all eligible children, young people and families.

We aim for the HAF booklet's will be delivered to your school by the 16th July and the activity bookings links will go live on Monday 8th July at 2.00pm for families to book their summer activities, please note that activity places are subject to availability.  With this in mind could you please ensure that your staff teams are aware of the HAF programme so that they can pass this information onto their children/young people?  Also, can you please ensure that your admin teams are aware of when the booklets will arrive at your school?

We would like to ensure that as many eligible families take this offer up over the summer to remove some of the financial burden to families who are already on the brink.

Please see below the link to the HAF webpage with all of the information about the summer programme.

The HAF team



Free sign language courses for families

Join our free online group course to learn everyday BSL signs alongside other families. Click on the image below to find out more:

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To contact the TAC team, you can email them at







November 2023



A warm welcome to the 0-19+ Service (St Helens) quarterly newsletter. Each quarter we will be sharing key service updates and developments, local campaigns and initiatives, as well as ‘Spotlight On’ features of our outstanding children and young people’s services.

In this edition you will find:

  1. Spotlight On feature - new contact telephone number
  2. Baby Well Clinics
  3. Henry; Healthy Start, Bright Future - free week course
  4. ChatHealth - confidential text messaging service
  5. Online service directory
  6. Feedback from our families


1.  Spotlight On feature - new contact telephone number



We have changed our telephone number.


The new telephone number for the 0-19+ Service in St Helens is 01744 411277.


Anyone calling the old number will be redirected. Please share our social media posts promoting the new number.


2. Baby Well Clinics



  • Every Monday, 10.00am - 12noon (drop-in)

Newton Children’s Centre, Patterson Street, Newton-le-Willows, St Helens WA12 9PZ

  • Every Tuesday, 9.30am - 11.30am (drop-in)

Sutton Children’s Centre, Ellamsbridge Road, Sutton, St Helens WA9 3PY

  • Every Wednesday, 9.30am – 11.30am (appointment only) *

Moss Bank Children’s Centre. Kentmere Avenue, Moss Bank, St Helens. WA11 7PQ

  • Every Thursday, 9.30am - 11.30am (drop-in)

Fourways Children’s Centre, Burnage Avenue, St Helens WA9 4QB

  • Every Thursday, 9.20am - 12noon (appointment only) *

Woodside Health Centre, Woodside Road, Haydock, WA11 0NA

*Parents and carers can book an appointment by calling 01744 411277.

 The timetable is available on our website and via the Facebook page: Health Visiting Hub - St Helens


3.  Henry; Healthy Start, Bright Future - free 8 week course


Henry; Healthy Start, Bright Future - new 8 week course.

Supporting parents and carers to give their child the best start in life.

The free 8 week course covers:

• Emotional wellbeing

• Healthy weight

• Parenting skills

• Oral health

• Nurturing relationships

• Physical activity

• Sleep

• Activity ideas

Locations: Moss Bank Children’s Centre, Thatto Heath Children’s Centre, Sutton Family Hub / Children’s Centre and Central Link Children’s Centre

Parents and carers can book a free place by calling 01744 411277 or 07721499392.


4.  ChatHealth - confidential text messaging service



ChatHealth, is new confidential text messaging service for young people aged 11-19 in St Helens.

Young people can access confidential advice and support from their local School Nursing Service by text (07312 263250), on a range of health and wellbeing issues, including anxiety, bullying, relationships and emotional health.

This service, a winner of the NHS Innovation Challenge Award, provides advice, information and guidance, and signposting to other services if needed. It does not replace face-to-face services, but it does make it easier for a young person to contact a school nurse confidentially and anonymously. It also offers a way to get in touch for those who feel reluctant to talk about difficult or sensitive issues.

Young people can access a range of advice and support around:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Relationships
  • Healthy eating
  • Puberty and sexual health
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Sleeping
  • Feelings and emotions


How ChatHealth works

ChatHealth is available between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday (including school holidays, excluding bank holidays) and accessed by texting a dedicated number. Anyone sending a text outside these hours will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. When the service reopens, the sender will then receive a reply to the message.

For more information about ChatHealth visit

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5.  Online service directory


Did you know our online service directory lists all 0-19+ services, as well as local services with work closely with? The directory is easy to use and with the click of a button you can find out more information about:


6.  Feedback from our families 

“Sue was brilliant with me and my daughter! Just calm. I could ask her questions and anything I was worried about she helped me with.”

 “Lovely helpful staff.”

 “The practitioner was professional, welcoming and was genuinely interested in my child’s development.”

 “All very good and thorough, lovely to see people face to face again after covid! Nothing could have been done better. Was all great! Thanks.”

“Elaine was lovely, very friendly and gave me lots of helpful information to help with my baby and the hot weather and put my mind at ease.”

 “The staff were very kind, respectful, professional and handled us with our twin babies very well. She was quite knowledgeable and answered our questions honestly and reassuringly. The whole appointment went smoothly with no waiting at all.”

 “Since Terry has been involved in our family he has made such a massive impact on our lives with the knowledge and support offered.”

 “They were all really good to be honest and very patient! So I have got nothing to complain about.”

 “I speak little English, so a translator was booked to understand all the conversation at the meeting. I was phoned a few days in advance to remind me of my appointment. I also liked that the appointment was on time on the day. Yvonne was really friendly and chatty and answered any questions we had.”


If you have any queries about the 0-19+ Service St Helens, please email:




Click here for the latest St Helens Borough School Health and Wellbeing Newsletter




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