
Newton-le-Willows Primary School Governing Body 

Headteacher - Mrs L.Chisnall
Chair of Governors - Mr G.Limb
Vice Chair of Governors - Mr S.O'Garra

Parent Governors
Mrs S.Wilkinson
Mr M.Bradley
Mr S.O'Garra

Local Authority Governor
Councillor K.Laird

Coopted Governors
Mrs E.Irwin
Mr G.Limb
Mrs E.Charleston
Miss B.Gallagher
Mr I.Colvin
Ms K. McCormack

Staff Governors
Mrs Rothwell

Parent governors are elected by the parents/carers and the term of office is four years. When a position becomes vacant nominations will be asked for and an election involving all registered parents and guardians will take place. Parents/carers will be notified of the precise details at the appropriate time.

Coopted governors are appointed by the Governing Body and their term of office is four years.

LA governors are appointed by the Local Authority and their term of office is four years

Staff governors are elected by the staff for four years from the date of appointment

Frequency of Meetings

The Governing Body meet as and when necessary but a minimum of once per half-term. 

Governors' Role

Governors have a vital role to play in ensuring our school provides the best possible education for our children.

They are responsible for:

1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and the performance management of staff 
3. Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

If you have any questions, or are interested in becoming a Governor at our school, contact either the Headteacher or Chair of Governors for more information.

Governing Body Composition

Type of Governor No.
Coopted 8
Headteacher 1
Local Authority 1
Parent 3
Staff 1


Names of Governors Type of Governor Term of Office Date of Appointment

Date of resignation/End of Term of Office

(if within the last 12 months)

Appointing Body
Mr G. Limb (Chair) Coopted 4 Years 10th Dec 2020   Governing Body

Mr S. O'Garra

(Vice Chair)

Coopted 4 Years  16th Nov 2020   Governing Body
Mrs E. Charleston Co-opted 4 Years 8th Apr 2021   Governing Body
Cllr K.Laird Local Authority 4 Years 8th Dec 2022   Local Authority
Miss B. Gallagher Co-opted 4 Years 20th Oct 2022   Governing Body
Mrs E. Irwin Co-opted 4 Years 22nd Oct 2020   Governing Body
Mrs L. Chisnall Headteacher 4 Years 9th Oct 2020   Headteacher
Mrs J. Davies Co-opted 4 Years 25th Sept 2019 Resigned 3rd April 2023 Governing Body
Mr S. Bell Co-opted  4 Years 30th Sept 2020 Resigned 20th October 2022 Governing Body
Mrs L. Bushell Staff 4 Years  10th Dec 2020 Resigned 13th July 2023 Elected by Staff
Mr S O'Garra Parent 4 Years  16th Nov 2020   Elected by Parents
Mrs S Wilkinson Parent 4 Years 6th June 2021   Elected by Parents
Mr M Bradley Parent 4 Years 21st Jan 2022   Elected by Parents
Ms K.McCormack Co-Opted 4 Years 21st Sept 2023   Governing Body
Mrs J. Rothwell Staff 4 Years 19th Dec 2023   Elected by Staff
Mr P. Reece Headteacher 6 weeks 1st Jan 2023 End of office 10th Febuary 2023 Headteacher


Committee Structure

The Governing body of Newton-le-Willows Primary School has restructured to a Governance model without sub-committees. The Full Governing body meets once per half term and considers all matters relating to school. The terms of reference are available on this page.

The Pay and Performance Committee will continue to meet as and when required and the terms of reference for this committee are available from school upon request. 

Pay and Performance Committee
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding Pay and Performance of members of staff.
Mr I. Colvin (Chair)
Mr M. Bradley
Mrs L. Chisnall
Mrs S.Wilkinson


Ad-hoc Committees:

  • Staff Disciplinary
  • Pupil Discipline
  • Complains
  • Appeals

Three governors with no prior knowledge will be called to form the committee. 

Register of Interests

Name Details of Pecuniary Interest Details of Personal Interest
Mr G. Limb (Chair)

FFT Development & Product Manager

Local Governor at Byrchall High School


Mr S. O'Garra  

(Vice Chair)


Partner's mother is an LSA at school

Mrs E. Charleston Works for Local Autism and Social Communication team at St. Helens Council Nil
Mrs E. Irwin Nil Nil
Mrs J. Davies Nil Nil
Mrs L. Chisnall Nil Nil
Mr S. Bell Governor at R.L. Hughes Primary School Nil
Mr I. Colvin Nil

Married to LSA in school

Children attend schoo

Mrs L Bushell Nil Nil
Mrs S Wilkinson Nil Nil
Mr M Bradley Nil Child attends school
Miss B. Gallagher Nil Nil
Cllr K. Laird Nil Nil
Ms K.McCormack Nil Nil
Mrs J. Rothwell    


Attendance Record

Name of Governor Dates of Full Governing Body Meetings Attended
   21st Sep 2023   26th Oct 2023   14th Dec 2023   8th Feb 2024   21st March 2024   23rd May 2024  11th July 2024
Yes No   Yes No  Yes  No  Yes No Yes No Yes No   Yes No
Mr G. Limb (Chair) X   X     X X              
Mr S. O'Garra (Vice Chair) X     X X   X              
Mrs E. Charleston   X X   X   X              
Mr M. Bradley X   X   X     X            
Mrs L. Chisnall X   X   X   X              
Mrs E. Irwin X   X   X   X              
Mrs S Wilkinson X     X   X X              
Cllr K. Laird X   X   X   X              
Ms K. McCormack X   X     X X              
Mr I. Colvin X     X   X X              
Miss B. Gallagher   X   X   X   X            
Mrs J. Rothwell             X              

      (See Files to Download at the foot of this page).


Name of Governor Dates of Pay and Performance Committee Meetings Attended
Yes No  
Mr I. Colvin (Chair)    
Mr G. Limb    
Mrs S. Wilkinson    
Mrs L. Chisnall    
Mr M. Bradley    


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